- 30 Aug 2013 [22:40]
- Pretty remarkable that for more than 2 months over the summer there has been barely half a second drift [link]
- 30 Aug 2013 [12:00]
- thanks to winders Alice Cicirello, Pieter Coulier and Hilary Costello - very multinational! Alice managed 4-pi worth of winding
- 23 Aug 2013 [12:01]
- Great day for Lucy Beharrell and Will Beharrell on their 9th wedding anniversary. Anyone listening would have heard the clock strike 9 - at 1pm! Thanks for winding too .
- 22 Aug 2013 [11:06]
- GCR=43.9s (midnight last night was 43.8s) - looking good. Note that speed change due to diameter change on second layer is sqrt(140mm/135mm) = 1.019 (first layer diameter = 135mm, wire diameter = 5mm, drag goes as speed squared) so we expect perhaps GCR=44.7s later on as the weights descend. Air density effects, summer vs winter, max density on a dry cold day is 1.27 and min density on a hot humid day 1.14 is see [link] so the range is sqrt(1.27/1.14)=1.055 and that is about a 2.4s range from extremes.
- 21 Aug 2013 [18:37]
- full wind as well, Imogen Newman watching on ... holding the tubes.
- 21 Aug 2013 [18:37]
- Note cheese weights: TC1-20.5kg TC2-22.7kg TC3-22.7kg TC4-22.2kg TC5-20.3kg + two new ones 21.5kg + 21.5kg StJ1-20.2kg StJ2-22.9kg StJ3-22.1kg StJ4-20.5kg + two new ones 21.1kg + 21.7kg. Extra weights are thick-2.4kg and thin-0.7kg
- 21 Aug 2013 [18:33]
- work with Graham Newman today slowing down the strike - TC strike 159kg to 128kg (5 original cheeses + 5 thicks), StJ strike 137kg to 110kg (4 original cheeses + 5 thicks + 5 thins) Let us see what happens.
- 17 Aug 2013 [11:11]
- Jonnie Hunt, Mael Thomas, Sandy Hunt, Qian Wang did a great job winding. Noon going+Strike time GCR = 40.6s - a bit too fast (note GCR stands for Great Court Run - historically it is around 44s, but changes made in 2007 need to be put right)).
- 11 Aug 2013 [11:24]
- Monique Degimbe, Albert Renders, Annick Renders, Jean-Pierre Coulier hebben de klok opgewonden tijdens hun bezoek aan Pieter! (full marks to anyone who can read that...)
- 07 Aug 2013 [14:13]
- the warm weather has made the first bell of the quarters not sound. We fixed that by a bit of deft metal bending - as I say, always use the right tool for the job (my feet).
- 07 Aug 2013 [14:12]
- doing a bit of recording for The Naked Scientists @nakedscientists with Dominic Ford @dcf21 - a good excuse to do some winding! By the way, what is the terminal velocity of a penny?
- 04 Aug 2013 [11:59]
- Thanks Hilary Costello for winding - good Sunday exercise!
- 28 Jul 2013 [13:05]
- Winding thanks Pieter Coulier, though jet lagged.
- 21 Jul 2013 [11:17]
- Winders today Matilda Sleigh, Elliott Sleigh, Sarah Lavelle, James Sleigh - hot work!
- 14 Jul 2013 [13:00]
- Thanks to Rick Lupton for winding - even hotter. Fantastic temperature compensation in this rising heat [link]
- 07 Jul 2013 [11:05]
- top up wind par Lucie Delpeuch et Jonnie Hunt - hot work
- 06 Jul 2013 [11:17]
- Great that Pieter Coulier has learnt the ropes and is now on my list of winders!
- 29 Jun 2013 [10:36]
- winding after Sam Coxs graduation yesterday. Also with Steve Cox, Penny Cox and Patrick Cox - who will work our a Raspberry Pi app for me!
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