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01 Apr 2012 [16:07]
ADJUST: -100ms/day to 33100 and very kindly helped with winding by Juliet Babinsky, Carolyn Babinsky, Holger Babinsky, Giovanni Pellegrini and Ruth Pellegrini all of whom are stronger than they thought!
01 Apr 2012 [06:30]
So where are we: Tim has now also spent a lot of time on this. He says: The short story is that the National Instruments drivers are not working with the new kernel version after the upgrade. The longer story: the drivers check the kernel version by looking at its second digit. With the recent change in numbering, from 2.6.whatever to 3.n1.n2 (without actually a massive leap in the code) this is not particularly helpful. Anecdotal reports on the internet suggested the drivers should still work if these checks were removed. After a bit of work to disable them in the installation scripts, it almost installed. A change to the way locking is handled (linked to removal of the [Big Kernel Lock ], so I understand!) meant that a small change to the ioctl code was needed (which I did not really understand; it looked like an old callback is no longer allowed, and needed removing). Finally, everything compiled and the nikal kernel module loaded (with a memory allocation error in dmesg, but at least it appears to lsmod). Unfortunately, clocklogger then returns [ failed to initialize - Perhaps you need to run updateNIDrivers - Aborted ] So it looks like NI need to update their drivers. In the meantime, I am running out of ideas short of using an old kernel again (which would be annoying!).
01 Apr 2012 [06:30]
Anson has checked the disks - here is what he says: there were so corrupted inodes that come up as part of the e2fsck run in the root partition. The home directories seemed fine. There is no way of recovering easily the problems because I cannot see how the inodes correspond to actual files. So, I am going to upgrade the operating system tonight to either 11.4 or 12.1. This is a wise thing to do anyway given what we were using before 11.3 is out of support - and the original lost files harder to find.

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